*Review* Secrets in the Lyrics by S. M. Donaldson

I was given the chance to beta read this book and let me just say Ms Donaldson did a phenomenal job!!!!

Ivie hasn't had the best childhood, with parents who don't care about her and kick her out at 17. To bad relationships after another! The only good thing Ivie has is the band. She loves music and even more she loves the guitarist Gabe but she won't do anything about it because they are the only family she has and doesn't want to lose them.

Gabe is a strong caring guy who has had to take care of his mom and sister after finding out his dad has two families. When Ivie joined the band Gabe knew she was the one but didn't do anything because if he screwed it up he could loose his band.

Ivie's recent relationship turns violent and she knows she has to get out so when the band gets an offer they take it. The day they are suppose to leave things turn bad, emotions are running high, and feelings can't be hidden. Can Ivie & Gabe finally be together? Does having these feeling separate the band? Or does past relationships get in the way? Read this amazing story to find out! You will not be disappointed!!!

Secrets in The Lyrics was a very emotional read! And true to its title you will find hidden messages! You will read about desire, heartache, abuse, fear and love.

Suzanne you are a fantastic writer every book you write just keep getting better! I can't wait for the next!!

5 Stars


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