*Review* Domesticated by Jettie Woodruff

I was beyond excited to receive a copy from author for an honest review!!!!

Kendra is a rich young women who had the most horrible childhood ever growing up. Living with her father, stepmother, and step sisters she was made to believe she was nothing and will never be.

Now Kendra is married to Garrison a wealthy man who gives her everything but what you believe on the outside isn't always the way it is on the inside. Deciding to get away she goes on vacation for the summer and that's where she meets Sam.

Sam is a school teacher who isn't rich but his life is full of love and fun. Making a deal with Sam changes everything she has ever known he slowly breaks down her walls and you finally get to see the real Kendra.

This book hit every emotion I could possibly have, I swear there wasn't a time that I wasn't laughing, or crying, screaming or disgusted and wanting the throw my kindle.

Jettie is an amazing author I can never get enough of her books I swear her writing makes you have a love/hate relationship with her characters. She definitely knows how to keep you begging for more!

5 Stars

I was once told that I was like an animal. Animals were naturally conditioned, just like the rodent that I was, I needed to be conditioned. Aristocrats in our class had a trained way of living. Women had their place beside their hard-working spouses and weren't allowed to rock the boat.

As a small child, I believed in the preparation requirements. Once learned, a conditioned response is hard to get past. No matter how much I tried, it was a part of me - deep within my subconscious. No matter how much I wanted it to be different, it never was, and nobody could change what had been acclimatized profoundly in my mind.  

I knew what I did was wrong. I knew what I hid from the world was dirty. And I knew Garrison would never understand. However, I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t control it. No matter how hard I tried. It was always there, always a part of me, and who I was. 

This book is for mature audiences only. In other words, it is F**ked up.
Read at your own risk.

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Private message Jettie on FB to be let in the back door of her private "dirty girls" group!
Jettie Woodruff is a lifelong writer, living in a pretend world since she was a little girl. Jettie spent hours filling pages of spiral notebooks with a number two pencil and a wild imagination. Her very first story was a scifi of all things.
 Jettie writes more along the lines of erotica now. She likes to keep her readers on edge, and deliver a story that will pull out every emotion possible. Writing on the edge of taboo and dark, Jettie hopes to distribute an adventure you'll not soon forget.

 Married for twenty five years, raising two boys and one girl has left lots of writing material. She has recently become a grandma to not one, but two of the most beautiful little girls on planet earth.

 Jettie also hates doing this bio. That's all you get. She loves to read and write. What else is there? <3

Brought to you by Beauties and The Book


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