*REVIEW* Blue Rose by Sarah Daltry

 We were gifted a copy for an honest review.

Blue Rose is NOT a lovey dovey story. It's dark, disturbing, heartbreaking...those are just a few of my feelings. You will also see rape, threesome, physical abuse, substance abuse.
In this story you get to be inside of Alana's head. You get to see in her past from a child to now. Alana has had to deal with shit that no one should ever have to. She is a strong women but has been put down so much she doesn't think she is worth anything! She's trash, a slut, a whore...those are just some of the names she has been called.

I fell in love with this story from the very beginning. It was definitely a emotional roller coaster. Sarah Daltry did a terrific job in writing this story you could feel all the pain and suffering Alana was going threw!

5 Stars



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