*REVIEW* Forever Baby by Ellie Wade

We were provided a copy from the author.
Olivia (Livi) is going abroad to Spain as part of the foreign exchange program with her beat friend Nolan. She is loving Spain and her roommate. She sees a beautiful man who makes her feel things.
Andres doesn't do relationships and has a messes up past. When he sees Livi, everything goes out the window.
This was such an amazing book. The relationship between Livi and Andres was amazing. Of course they had ups and downs, and insecurities once she returned home. The sex scenes were... Whew!!!
In the end, you can't help who your heart wants. They say if you love something, let it go, if it comes back, it was meant to be. I loved every character in this book. I kinda felt bad for Nolan though. Hugo, Carlos and Julio definitely need their own book!
I think the author did an amazing job and I can't wait to read more from her!!
A must read about love, friendship, heartbreak and soul searching!! I recommend you read this ASAP!!
5 out of 5 amazing stars!!


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