Secrets Behind Those Eyes by SM Donaldson

                                   **We were lucky enough to win an ARC of this book**
This is Scarlet's story. In book 3 of the "Temptation" series, Cade learns that he has a half brother and sister. I suggest that you read the "Temptation" series, not that you need to but you meet the other characters from those books in this one. Plus, that series is amazing!!!! Lying with Temptation(#1), Acting on Temptation(#2) and Fighting Temptation(#3).
Scarlet is a middle class woman who is getting ready to go to school. She walks in on her boyfriend doing something she never thought that he would do. She went crazy. I have to say, I was literally cracking up at that part.
Ryder... sweet Jesus did I swoon! Yeah, he's a bad boy but he has a good side!! He has money and was constantly getting into trouble.
Scarlet and Ryder meet at community service. She keep blowing him off, only making him want her more.
Her brother, Gable, has always been close to her. He ends up touring with his band. She misses him a lot.
Bad stuff starts to happen and she has no idea who it could be... until she does.
I read a snippet of this book at the end of "Fighting Temptation". I really didn't want it to end. I wanted/ needed more!! I love Scarlet and Ryder. I thought Ryder was gonna crap his pants when he met Cade!!! Ha! I am glad that Cade and the gang were in this book! I missed them!!! I am also eager to know more about Gable!! Suspense is a killer, Ill tell ya!!
The way the author writes is just amazing. She knows what she is doing! Im ready for the next book now!!! :)

5 out of 5 stars!




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