Touching Scars by Stacy Borel


This book was recommended to me by a friend. I have to say, that it was a really good one! I didnt ask about the book i just bought it and jumped right in!! I was not disappointed. At all!!

Ok so first off, the cover is completely bad ass. I love Joshua and he is just yummy all around. Loren is beyond the words beautiful. The cover only added the awesome of the book! Timber to me was arrogant, pushy, demanding yet sweet and loving. He had a bad boy persona. Also, very steamy and makes me wanna let him demand anything he wants from me! . It broke my heart the things he had to go thru. It also had a real feel because i know a few people who have actually gone thru what he did. I LOVE that is name is so different than what you would normally see or hear. Kat, poor Kat. Within the first few minutes of the book, I wanted to jump in a kick some butt! I was completely shocked to even be reading something like that in the beginning. Not that im saying it is a bad thing. The author seriously went in for the kill. Kat seriously has a shield up to be tough but really she was broken. That is until Timber. I SERIOUSLY LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BOOK!!

The way the story was written, down to the characters, to the playful banter between all and right into the sex scenes. Which were hot... Like “OhMyGodPleaseLetMeJumpInThisCharactersSpotRightNow” HOT!! They were epic and oh so steamy! This book will go on as one of my top favorites! I look forward to reading anything this woman write from here on out!! Fist Pump to the Author because this book knocked my socks off!!
5 out of 5 Stars


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