Abby's Survival by B.L. Mooney

                           **We were provided an Arc in exchange for an honest opinion**
The story of both Abby and Liv continue.
Abby is so worried about everyone around her that she is rarely taking car of herself. Her past with Adam is messing with her. She just wants to forget about it and be happy with John.
Liv and Kyle have gotten back together after parting for a bit. Her and Abby are still thick as thieves.
I love that John and Kyle formed a friendship too... Not that they really had a choice!
It literally broke my heart that Liv thought that Abby would put her in danger. I understand her not wanting to clue her in, but on Liv's behalf, I felt for her. Poor Abby just thought that she was doing right by not letting her know. I love that in the end, their friendship was much more bigger than that. I LOVE that, that piece of crap got what he deserved!! You ever read a book and want to jump in and strangle the character? Yup, that was totally me!
I think the author did an amazing job continuing the story. I love that there is different POV's!
5 out of 5 stars


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