**COVER REVEAL** Rhett by J.S. Cooper

Rhett by J. S. Cooper Cover Reveal & Blurb 

 Have you met Rhett Madison? 

 I’m Rhett. 

 I’m cocky because I can be. I’ve got it all: the looks, the money, the endurance. I’m the guy that every girl wants to be with, yet none of them have ever been able to tie me down. I don’t do love. I don’t do relationships. And I sure as hell will never do marriage. I’m all about the fast life and everything that entails. There’s a different woman in my bed every week. My friends are jealous of me. My enemies envy me. Everyone wants my life. And everything in my life is absolutely perfect. Until the day she told me she was moving away.

 She’s my best friend. She was my first kiss in grade school. We share everything with each other. We never dated because I don’t love her. I don’t care that she’s moving. I don’t care that she’s moving for a guy. I don’t care because I don’t love her. I don’t do love. I’m Rhett and I don’t let anything get me down. Then one night changed everything and everything I thought I knew was called into question. All of a sudden, being Rhett didn’t mean so much anymore. 

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